Print Shop
Location & Hours Heading link
- Room B106
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Product & Services Heading link
- Color printing (up to 12” x 18”)
- Pamphlets/Brochures
- Flyers
- Booklets (staple, wire, and plastic binding)
- Business cards
- Invitations
- Envelopes
- Padding
- Laminating
- Scanning
Requests, Submissions & Pricing Heading link
- The order form can be found here: print-shop-duplication-order-form.pdf (
- Send orders to:
- The pricing structure for print shop requests can be found at this (link), or by requesting an estimate through the department email
- For new business cards or updates to existing cards, email:
- For design help or large format poster printing, visit Advancement and Community Relations
Remit your payment in the form of cash, credit, or check (Made Payable to UICOMP) to Accounting/Cashiering at the time the order is completed. Print pick-up is in the Print Shop during normal business hours/from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm M-F.
As a benefit, the Print Shop provides efficient and cost-effective print services to employees for personal usage. We ask for a minimum of 3 days lead time for order completion. Large orders and/or orders that include binding, cutting, folding, etc. may require additional completion time. Please complete the Print Shop Duplication form and deliver it to the Print Shop in Room B106 located on the first floor of the Main Campus or email it to
Contact Heading link
Suzy Witt
Print Shop