Diagnostic Radiology Residency Curriculum

The Diagnostic Radiology curriculum at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria provides residents with a well-rounded clinical foundation in all aspects of diagnostic and interventional radiology.

Exposure to both academic and private models

Our program is unique in that residents gain exposure to both academic and private models of practice, offering insight into both styles of practice. While the faculty constitute the Department of Radiology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria, they are also the dominant section in a large, very successful private practice group, CIRA (Central Illinois Radiological Associates).

Streamlined, early matriculation

Our program is categorical, combining a transitional year-based internship with streamlined, early matriculation into our diagnostic radiology residency program. Starting May 1st of the clinical year, our residents begin their diagnostic radiology rotations giving them 38 months of clinical rotations to prepare for the ABR Core Exam instead of 36 months typical of other programs.

Intern year

Intern year consists of 3 Internal medicine floor months, 1 Internal medicine night float month, 2 ICU months, 1 Emergency medicine month, 1 Neurology month, 1 outpatient ambulatory clinic rotation, 1 transitional radiologic-pathologic correlation rotation, and 2 diagnostic radiology rotations, which span May and June of the intern year.

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