Our mission is to become the premier pediatric program in Illinois while providing outstanding medical education to UICOMP students and residents.
Discover the exceptional opportunities offered by the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria (UICOMP). In collaboration with OSF Healthcare Children's Hospital of Illinois, Easter Seals-UCP, and various community partners, we are dedicated to delivering comprehensive pediatric care to children in Central Illinois.
With 145 faculty members, our department offers a wide range of general pediatric services and pediatric subspecialty coverage. Our residency program, conducted in partnership with Children's Hospital of Illinois, accepts up to 12 residents each year. The Department of Pediatrics also offers three fellowships.

Meet Our Department Head Heading link
Manu R. Sood, MBBS, FRCPCH, MD, MSc
Professor, Head and William H. Albers Endowed Chair in Pediatrics
Dr. Manu Sood is a pediatric gastroenterologist and an accomplished clinical investigator with years of experience in academic medicine.
Patient Care View Our Clinical Sections
Education Heading link
Community Partners and Learning Facilities Heading link

We perform our mission in the context of collaboration with OSF Healthcare Children’s Hospital of Illinois, Easter Seals-UCP, and multiple other partners within the community.