Anesthesiology Residency : A Day in the Life of an Resident
Anesthesiology Residency : A Day in the Life of an Resident Heading link

- A typical day during general operating room rotation starts around 0645 with setting up the operating room, performing preoperative evaluation, and obtaining informed consent of the first patient. At 0730 the OR technician will take the patient to the OR. All residents will be relieved from clinical duties at approximately 1630 if not on call.
- For the first month of CA-1 Year, residents will have daily introductory lectures.
- Starting in August of the academic year, residents will have a half-day academic seminar every Friday, which is dedicated to interactive teaching, lectures, simulation, and board reviews.
- Afternoon didactics include regional workshops in the cadaver lab, simulation experience, journal clubs, case-based learning discussions, and echo workshops. Educational activities are protected time and you will be relieved to attend these opportunities.
- During the first 2 months of CA-1 year, there will be 1:1 supervision with no call responsibility
- Starting in September of the academic year, there will be 1:2 supervision and an average of 4 shift calls per four-week block.
- Pre-call CA-1 – CA-3 will go home first so that they can rest and enjoy their afternoon before their 24-hour call the next day.