Event Planning Request Form Event Planning Request Form Heading link Copy link All Student Organization event requests will be sent to Student Affairs for approval. All events planned by a department should be approved by the Department head/Chair. For questions and concerns about the event guidelines or process, contact Brittney Clark at bclark80@uic.edu.Event/Project Name: Event Description:Event Setup Requirements: Remember to include: Where decorations will be displayed, how they will be hung, and supplies needed If furniture needs to be moved Plans for food and beverages Setup Requirements: Furniture needs moved Decorations Yes - Event involves food/beverage No - Event does not involve food/beverage Setup Requirements:Please provide a brief description of the setup requirements for the event. All Day Event? Yes No Start Date(s): MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time: Hours : Minutes AM/PM AM PM AM/PM End Date(s): MM slash DD slash YYYY End Time: Hours : Minutes AM/PM AM PM AM/PM Proposed Location Room Number: Please include the location room number if applicable. If outdoors, please leave blank.Proposed Location: Indoors Outdoors Please Describe Rain Plan:Proposed Number of Attendees: Attendee/Guests Who Will Attend: Internal/UICOMP Guests Students Residents/Faculty External Guests *Minors (View University of Illinois Protection of Minors Policy) *If you checked "Minors" in the options above: Any unit or group planning a program or activity that includes minors must follow the University of Illinois Protection of Minors policy and its requirements. This includes reporting activities in writing at least one month in advance. At UICOMP, all Protection of Minors reporting is funneled through the UICOMP Human Resources Office.Primary Contact/Coordinator:Name: Email:(Required) Phone:Department/Division/Group: Event/Project Team Members: Required to Submit Yes - Event Guidelines Have Been Reviewed (Submit button will appear once clicking "Yes" for reviewing event guidelines.) View Event Guidelines University of Illinois Protection of Minors policy