
Medical Education in Peoria since 1970

In 1970, a group of local physicians and community leaders founded the Peoria Medical School. Their goal was to train physicians who would remain in Peoria and central Illinois communities to practice medicine.

Today that vision has come to fruition as the medical school, now named the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria (UICOMP), prepares future physicians, provides clinical services, and conducts impactful research.

1960's & 1970's Heading link

June 1968

Image of

“Education in the Health Fields for State of Illinois Board of Higher Education”, commonly called “The Campbell Report”, recommends that the University of Illinois College of Medicine develop a clinical center for teaching in Peoria, IL.

Summer 1970

First employee of The Peoria School of Medicine Mrs. Midge Parks, sitting at her desk

The Peoria School of Medicine (PSM) opens in the First National Bank in Peoria.  The first employee is Mrs. Midge Parks, the secretary.

July 1, 1970

Headshot of Dr. Nicolas J. Cotsonas Jr.

Dr. Nicolas J. Cotsonas Jr., a graduate of Harvard and Georgetown Universities, becomes our first dean.  He completed his residency at the District of Columbia General Hospital and served in the Medical Corps.

June 1971

Image of the Affiliation Agreement Being Approved

Affiliation agreement is approved with the Peoria Board for Medical Education, Inc., St. Francis Hospital, Methodist Hospital, Proctor Community Hospital, the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and the George A. Zeller Zone Center.

September 24, 1971

Image of orientation being held for the first students

Orientation is held for the first students, who are transfer students from Chicago.  The new students are 18 juniors (M3s) and 3 seniors (M4s).  There is just 1 female student.

January 31, 1972

Image of the front of Burgess Hall

The Peoria School of Medicine moves to Burgess Hall on the Bradley University campus.


UICOMP’s James Scholar program is established.  James Scholars must be in the upper 1/3 of their class and complete an independent study research project under the direction of a faculty mentor.

June 1, 1973

Headshot Images of the Class of 1973

The first class graduates!

Summer 1973

Group Picture of 1973 Softball Team Called

The Peoria School of Medicine has a softball team in the Peoria Park District Recreation League called “The Quacks”.  They finish the season with 5 wins and 9 losses.

September 9, 1974

Image of the groundbreaking ceremony

Groundbreaking ceremony for the permanent facility.

Fall 1976

A man loads a moving truck for UICOMP's move to Glendale Avenue

After 4 years at Bradley University, PSM moves to its new facility located at 123 S.W. Glendale Avenue.

Image of Dr. John McLean and Roger Watters (M3) with Trophies


Plans to build the tennis courts are approved.  In September and October, the first annual PSM Tennis Classic is held. The championship match is held between Dr. John McLean and Roger Watters (M3).  Dr. Mclean takes the victory!

Fall 1977

Two electron microscopes are installed at PSM.

Headshot of Hazel Scott, PhD


The Urban Health Program comes to Peoria with the appointment of Hazel Scott, PhD, as the Coordinator of Health Professions Opportunity Program.

1980's Heading link


The Peoria School of Medicine is renamed the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria


Image of Dr. Newman

The Board of Trustees names Dr. Jerry I. Newman as “Director of the College of Medicine at Peoria.  Dr. Newman had served as the Acting Dean since Dean Cotsonas’ departure in 1979.  The title of Director is part of a College of Medicine reorganization that allowed for just one Dean.

May 31-June 1, 1986

Image During The Children’s Miracle Network Telethon

The Children’s Miracle Network Telethon comes to Peoria for the first time raising $91,000 in the Peoria area.  All the money raised locally stays to benefit the pediatric education, research, and service programs of UICOMP and the Saint Francis Medical Center (OSF) and the joint UICOMP/OSF pediatric residency program.

1990's Heading link

September 1, 1990

Headshot of Dr. William Albers

Dr. William Albers is appointed Acting Director and Acting Senior Associate Dean of UICOMP.

June 1, 1991

Headshot of Dr. Michael D. Bailie

Dr. Michael D. Bailie is appointed the new Director and Senior Associate Dean of UICOMP.

Governor Jim Edgar gives an announcement

October 12, 1991

Governor Jim Edgar announces a commitment of $2.4 million in state bond funds to establishing a premier medical research program at the College of Medicine at Peoria.

Spring 1992

The Illinois Neurological Institute (INI) is formed by UICOMP, Saint Francis Medical Center (OSF), and Methodist Medical Center.

Image of medal for the Blue Ribbon Society

June 1993

Pediatric Resource Center (PRC) is founded.  The PRC is started by Dr. Kay Saving and Dr. Andrew Morgan and is affiliated with the Children’s Hospital of Illinois at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center. The PRC specializes in providing services to abused and neglected children.

February 28, 1994

Positive Health Solutions, formerly the Heart of Illinois HIV/AIDS Center or HIHAC, opens its doors.  The center was begun with $1 million dollar award from the Ryan White Care Act.  The center provides medical care, case management, counseling, and outreach services.

October 24, 1994

The Peoria Medical Alumni Council holds its first meeting.

November 1996

Image of a Medal for the Rural Student Physician Program

The Rural Student Physician Program (RSPP) is born, thanks to a $300,000 grant from the Federal Bureau of Health Professions.  The program is described as “a rural, community-based, extended family medicine preceptorship that will immerse third-year students into an intense, comprehensive educational experience in clinical medicine with a rural family physician.”

September 24, 1996

Image of Mike Singletary at the 2nd annual dinner for the PRC

Mike Singletary, of Chicago Bears fame, speaks at the second annual dinner for the Pediatric Resource Center and raises over $20,000.

May 10, 1997

1,000th student graduates from the College of Medicine at Peoria.

Front of the Family Medical Center - May 1999

May 6, 1999

The Family Medical Center is dedicated and houses the Family Medicine Residency Program, the Department of Family and Community Medicine, and a community clinic.

2000's Heading link


The Peoria NEXT collaborative is born.  Peoria NEXT is a consortium of education, research, and business institutions focused on the knowledge economy and creating a healthier future for the Peoria regional community.  UICOMP is a founding member.

January 22, 2001

Headshot of Dr. Donald E. Rager

Dr. Donald E. Rager is officially named Regional Dean.  He has been the Interim Regional Dean since December 1999.


3 Medical Students in the Manual Science Enrichment Program

The Manual Science Enrichment Program is founded to encourage minorities and students of low socioeconomic backgrounds to gain more interest and knowledge in science and pursue careers in medicine.  The program, which is taught by UICOMP students, includes a series of interactive classes.

June 2005

Healthcare Professionals and Students Studying a Computerized Mannequin

Donald E. Rager, M.D. Clinical Skills Laboratory opens. The lab utilizes computerized mannequin technology to teach or reinforce clinical skills and emergency procedures to healthcare professionals and students.

July 1, 2005

Image of Dr. Rodney Lorenz

Dr. Rodney Lorenz is named Interim Dean of UICOMP.

January 2008

Image of Dr. Sara L. Rusch

Dr. Sara L. Rusch becomes Regional Dean.

April 5, 2008

Group Photo of the Mighty Docs

The “Mighty Docs” hit the ice in the Physicians vs. Firemen Challenge Cup hockey game.  They raised $5,059 for the Children’s Hospital of Illinois.

November 2008

Students from HEARTs run a health education program

The first HEARTs session was held at Peoria Friendship House.  HEARTs (Health Education Awareness and Resources Teams) is a student-run health education program.

Fall 2009

Senior Scholar Group Photo - Fall 2009

After a few months of planning, the Senior Scholars Group (SSG) is formed.  The group facilitates connections between senior physicians/medical school advocates and volunteer opportunities at the medical school, as well as, providing social and learning opportunities to members.

Sign for First Annual Celebration of Excellence

October 7, 2009

First Annual Celebration of Excellence is held. This special recognition event honors our faculty for their teaching and service as well as the recipients of the Community Health Award.

2010's Heading link

August 16, 2010

UICOMP Faculty and Staff Holding Shovels at Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Cancer Research Center

UICOMP breaks ground on the Cancer Research Center.

January 2011

Medical Students Mentor Peoria, IL Community Students

The GUIDES (Guide, Understand, Inform, Drive, Educate, and Serve) program is born.  The program’s goal is: to mentor underserved students in the Peoria community, build trust between the underserved community and the medical community, and teach young students about medicine with hopes that the interaction will lead them to train in and pursue future medical careers.”

September 16, 2011

UICOMP & OSF Healthcare Employees Holding Shovels

UICOMP and OSF Healthcare break ground on the Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center, funded in part from a $25-million gift from Jump Trading.


Medical Student from IRGmed Program Working with a Child

The Equity Innovation Medicine (EquiMED) program begins in 2016.  IRGmed is a 4-year longitudinal elective program allowing students to learn more about low-resource healthcare settings. Innovating new tools and technologies to better serve rural populations in the US and abroad is core to the program.


Medical Students Next to a Mannequin During the first annual Sim Wars

First annual Sim Wars is held at The Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center, bringing medical students from across the state of Illinois.

August 2017

Group Photo of Medical Students - August 2017

For the first time ever, UICOMP welcomes first-year students.

Group Photo of Medical Students - August 2018

August 2018

UICOMP accepts its largest class ever.  The Class of 2022 has 67 students.

2020's Heading link


Image of MUST logo

The First UICOMP global innovation education partnership takes place, with the Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Uganda.

February 2022

Headshot of Dr. Meenakshy Aiyer

Meenakshy Aiyer, MD, is named Regional Dean. She had served as Interim Regional Dean since April 2019, following Dr. Sara Rusch’s retirement.