Life as a Breast Imaging Fellow
Schedule Heading link

Our fellow’s daily schedule is predominantly at our outpatient breast center from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with some days starting at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center for hospital procedures and inpatient cases. During these hours, the fellow will see diagnostic patients in the breast imaging clinic, do procedures, as well as read breast MRIs and screening mammograms.
Fellows are responsible for all Thursday morning weekly breast tumor board presentations, which are from 6:30 a.m. to 7:15 a.m.
Fellows are encouraged to participate in bi-monthly Comprehensive Breast Clinic held at the OSF Cancer Institute, which is a multi-disciplinary clinic for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.
Fellows can also attend monthly NAPBC (National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers) committee meetings if desired, which are also held Thursday mornings after breast tumor board.
Diagnostic Radiology Opportunities Heading link

Our breast imaging fellowship program is uniquely designed to allow flexibility in time spent outside breast fellowship duties.
If a fellow would like to maintain some diagnostic radiology during their fellowship year, we do provide an opportunity on Monday afternoons to read diagnostic radiology exams while our radiology residents are attending their weekly lecture block.
Other moonlighting opportunities are also available in the evenings and on weekends if desired. There are no evening or weekend call duties, as we try to preserve our fellow’s personal/family time.
However, our breast center is open on Saturdays for a Saturday morning diagnostic clinic schedule and all-day screening mammogram schedule. Fellows can opt to participate in Saturday morning breast clinic with attending on call or can read additional screening mammograms on weekends if desired.
Didactics Heading link

Fellows are encouraged to attend the breast imaging lectures given by our faculty to diagnostic radiology residents and medical students.
Additionally, fellows are required to provide at least two breast imaging lectures to our diagnostic radiology residents. Other lecture and teaching opportunities through the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria or in our community are also available if desired.
Fellows also assist in teaching residents and medical students daily while on rotation at our breast center.