Awards and Scholarships

The number of awards and scholarships available for medical students is impressive. Over $80,000 in campus-based scholarships and awards are distributed to Peoria students each year.
Nominations for most of these awards are solicited annually between January and March, unless otherwise noted. Eligible nominators should complete the online nomination form to nominate students for selected awards.
Generous contributions by donors to the College of Medicine have created a roster of “Endowed Awards” for our students. To learn more about our endowed awards, and how to contribute to scholarships for students, visit our Giving page.
Information on “external” awards to which students can apply directly is regularly compiled and distributed by the UICOMP Office of Student Affairs or by the UI COM Financial Aid Office.
Inquiries can be directed to UICOMP’s Financial Literacy Advisor at 309-680-8614.