Advanced Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Curriculum

OSF Saint Francis Medical Center and University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria have collaborated to create an EUS Fellowship incorporating traditional didactics, QA training, clinical research, and hands-on scanning with the goal of preparing the Fellow to lead an EUS program. Our curriculum includes:
- Weekly didactics, one on one scanning with faculty and QA image review
- Journal Review
- Design and implementation of EUS educational programs for ED Faculty and Residents
- Billing and coding education
- Access to Symbionix US Trainer
- 8-10 clinical shifts per month as attending ED physician
Teaching Heading link
- Grand Rounds Lectures for Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine-Pediatrics, Family Medicine.
- We host and teach an ultrasound each year for all residents in family medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residencies.
- We train third and fourth year UICOMP students POCUS.
- University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria student lectures 4-6 times per year. Scan labs provided as well.
- Lectures and scan labs for the residents of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine-Pediatrics, Family Medicine annually.
Ultrasound Courses
JUMP Academy of Clinician Based Ultrasound: A regional/national CME POCUS Course provided for physicians, PAs, APNs. Provides 12 hours of CME/CEUs.
Developed by our EUS department to help facilitate training within our hospital system and the Midwest. Six hours of didactic lectures to watch in advance of a 6-hour scan lab with faculty from the Department of Emergency Medicine.
Other Duties Heading link
- Scan shifts: 5 per month
- Coordination and teaching of EUS Workshops for Residents and Attending Physicians
- Research project
Educational Resources Heading link
- Symbionix Trainer
- EM Sono Modules
- Multiple ultrasound textbooks