For Potential Research Participants
Information for Potential Research Participants Heading link
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At is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.
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In research involving human subjects, the Office of Human Research Oversight (OHRO) provides researchers with the support that is necessary to ensure that the protection of the subject is at the center of research practices at UICOMP.
A key component of the subject protections program is the review of research studies by independent boards, known as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). These boards are made up of faculty members, scientists, non-scientists, physicians, nurses, and members of the local community who have no connection with the university.
The IRB must determine that the research plan is well developed, will provide an answer to a specific question, and that there are proper safeguards in place to protect the rights, safety and well-being of study participants. The IRB also makes sure that research subjects rights and OHRO contact information are explained in every informed consent document. The IRB receives updates on the progress of the research at specific intervals to ensure that the study is being carried out as planned and that any safety concerns are addressed in a timely and proper manner.
There are a number of resources that you may find helpful in understanding research, whether participation in research is right for you, and questions you may want to consider when deciding whether to take part in a research study.
Office of Human Research Protections
- Becoming a Research Volunteer – It’s Your Decision
- Ser Voluntario en Estudios Clinicos – Es Su Decision
- Questions to Ask
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
National Institutes of Health
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Researchers are working on studies that involve children, and the UICOMP IRB ensures that children receive special protections.
Visit the following links and web addresses for information about pediatric research and protections specific to children participating in research studies.
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Many researchers post flyers on bulletin boards briefly describing their research along with contact information. Look for these on bulletin boards in common areas. In some cases researchers choose to place advertisements in newspapers or on the radio.
You might want to speak with your doctor to find out if there are any clinical trials that may be of interest to you and for which you may qualify.
To search for a clinical trial by disease or geographic location, visit
For information on cancer research, visit
For information on research on AIDS and HIV, visit HIVinfo.
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Call the Office of Human Research Oversight (OHRO) at 309-680-8630 to discuss problems, concerns, or questions, obtain information, offer input, and/or make a complaint.