Surgery Education Research Resident

Eligibility: PGY 2 or greater categorical general surgery resident in good standing with the program.



To foster critical research skills and cultivate lifelong engagement in surgical education.


Provide the general surgery research resident with a comprehensive research experience that enhances their understanding of education methodology, promotes innovation in surgical education, and enables them to contribute to the improvement of surgical training and patient outcomes through evidence-based educational practices.  It includes the following themes:

  1. Skill Development: Aim to develop resident’s skills in educational research, including instructional design, curriculum development, assessment methods, and educational program evaluation.
  2. Innovation in Surgical Education: Encourage the resident to explore innovative approaches and strategies for surgical education, aiming to enhance the training experience, improve educational outcomes, and promote the adoption of evidence-based educational practices.
  3. Contribution to Surgical Training: Focus on important educational challenges in surgical training, including technical skills acquisition, optimizing simulation-based training, enhancing teamwork and communication, or promoting competency-based assessments.
  4. Evidence-based Educational Practices: Foster an appreciation for evidence-based practices in surgical education, equipping the resident with the skills to critically evaluate educational literature, adapt best practices to surgical training, and implement effective educational interventions.
  5. Professional Development: Contribute to the resident’s professional growth through networking with surgical education experts, presenting at research conference, and publishing research in peer-reviewed journals.


  • Research resident will be expected to attend all surgical education conferences: Book club, Morbidity & Mortality, Surgical Grand Rounds.
  • The resident will also be expected to sit for the in-training exam in January.
  • Resident will be given workspace in the Dept. of Surgery (across from PD office), and he/she/they are expected to engage with committee members on a daily basis.
  • Resident will take no more than 2 x 24 hour calls or equivalent per month, and research resident cannot be used to cover another resident vacation or sick time.
  • Resident may not moonlight, as this would place resident above 80 hour work week limitations.
  • Resident is expected to become a member of the association for surgical education and join the research committee

Faculty committee

Richard Anderson, MD, Chair

Laura R. Brown, MD, PhD, Program Director

Anthony Dwyer, PhD, Surgical Educator

Paul Jeziorczak, MD, MPH, Residency Simulation Director


  • Fraenkel, Jack et al. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 11th McGraw-Hill Education, 2022.
  • Cleland, Jennifer and Steven J. Durning, Eds. Researching Medical Education, 2nd  Wiley, 2022.
  • Thomas, Patricia et al. Curriculum Development for Medical Education:  A Six-Step approach, 4th  Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022.
  • Yudkowsky, Rachel et al. Assessment in Health Professions Education, 2nd Routledge, 2019.
  • Phillips, Andrew W. et al. Survey Methods for Medical and Health Professions Education: A Six-step Approach, 1st  Elsevier, 2021.
  • Barton, Belinda and Jennifer Peat. Medical Statistics A guide to SPSS, Data Analysis and Critical Appraisal, 2nd  BMJ Books, 2014.
  • ASE Surgical Education Research Modules.

At the end of the research year the general surgery education research resident will be able to:

Research Skills

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of research methodology, study design, and statistical analysis
  • Perform literature reviews, data collection, and data management
  • Apply ethical principles in research, including informed consent and protection of human subjects
  • Gain experience in grant writing and securing research funding

Critical Thinking and Analysis

  • Critically evaluate education literature & synthesize findings
  • Apply critical thinking skills to identify research gaps, formulate research questions, and develop hypotheses
  • Analyze and interpret research data using appropriate statistical methods
  • Identify strengths and limitations of study designs and propose recommendations for future research

Scientific Communication

  • Present research findings in both formal and informal presentations to peers, faculty, and at conferences
  • Write and submit findings to scientific journals
  • Respond constructively to feedback from mentors, reviewers, and peers to improve research presentation and written work.
  • Collaborate with co-authors and demonstrate effective teamwork in manuscript preparation and submission

Professional Development

  • Demonstrate skills in time-management, project organization, and self-directed learning
  • Engage in interdisciplinary collaboration with other researchers and experts
  • Reflect and improve on performance
  • Identify future research interest, career goals, and potential pathways

Contribution to Knowledge

  • Contribute to the body of Surgical Education through the completion of high-quality research
  • Present findings at national conferences
  • Publish findings in a peer-reviewed journal

Month 1 (July): Introduction to Research

  • Understand the purpose and goals of a research year
  • Review basics of research methodology, study design, and statistical analysis
  • Identify potential research projects
  • Familiarize yourself with institutional research policies and ethics

Month 2 (Aug): Literature Review and Project Planning

  • Perform an extensive literature review on your research topic of interest
  • Develop a research question and hypothesis in 2-3 of these areas: Instruction, Assessment, Curriculum, Evaluation, Remediation, or Simulation
  • Refine research objectives and study design
  • Submit IRB

Month 3-4 (Sept-Oct): Data Collection and Analysis

  • Begin collecting data for your research projects
  • Learn data management techniques and organization strategies
  • Explore appropriate statistical methods for data analysis
  • Consult with biostatisticians or statisticians for guidance as needed

Month 5-6 (Nov-Dec): Research Presentation and Writing

  • Prepare and present research findings to the department or relevant conferences
  • Receive feedback and suggestions for further analysis or improvement
  • Submit abstract to scientific meetings (SEW deadline usually late November/early December!)
  • Begin drafting the manuscript for publication
  • Learn about scientific writing, manuscript structure, and citation formats
  • Learn about grant writing and preparation

Month 8-9 (Jan-Feb): Manuscript Completion and Submission

  • Finalize the manuscript, incorporating feedback and revisions
  • Collaborate with co-authors and mentors for final approval
  • Submit the manuscript to a suitable journal for publication
  • Gain understanding of the peer-review process and potential revisions

Month 10-11 (Mar-Apr): Presentations

  • Participate in research-related conferences, workshops, or courses
  • Network with experts in the field and explore collaboration opportunities

Month 12 (May-June): Implementation & Future Planning

  • Present your research findings at other local, regional, or national conferences (OSF &UICOMP Research Day)
  • Reflect on the research experience and identify areas for improvement
  • Discuss future research opportunities, potential collaborations, or continuation of the project

Throughout the research year, it’s crucial to maintain regular communication with your research mentor, seek guidance when needed, and update your progress. Plan for monthly research committee meetings.  Additionally, take advantage of available resources, such as research seminars, library facilities, and statistical support services.

How to Apply Heading link

For questions or application instructions, please email