Outstanding Team Award: January 2023 Winner (Purchasing Department)
Outstanding Team Award: January 2023 Winner (Purchasing Department) Heading link

The Positive Health Solutions (PHS) team would like to recognize the Purchasing Department team, Ginger and Barb, for their dedication and all their hard work supporting PHS in its operations. PHS understands how busy Purchasing is, but they always find the time to assist PHS and especially in last minute Purchase Order creation ensuring we are able to maximize our grant dollars to support our clients. PHS also appreciated Ginger and Barb working very closely with PHS support staff during the transition time from when our director retired and our new director was hired, being there for any questions and providing guidance.
Ginger and her team have been working on contracts, MOU’s, purchase orders and much more.
PHS appreciates all the help they provide and the patience they have shown the team.
Thanks for being great support for us.