Harvesting Hope for Kids
October 21, 2023
6:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Jump Simulation and Education Center
1306 N. Berkeley Ave., Peoria, IL 61603
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Celebrating 30 years of the Pediatric Resource Center's Service to Illinois Children!
This annual event helps PRC ensure the clinics are staffed with specially-trained providers and child protection specialists so that children can receive the child-friendly medical services that are crucial to their well-being, health, and safety. Additionally, funds raised help PRC to provide education to area physicians, nurses, and other partners regarding prevention efforts and child abuse/neglect concerns.
- Tickets are $100 each. To reserve your ticket, go to https://go.uic.edu/HopeforKids2023
The event features heavy hors d’oeuvres and cocktails starting at 6 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided by local artist Johnny Walker. Live and silent auctions through GalaBid mobile bidding (https://app.galabid.com/hope2023) will feature unique and exciting items, including specialty gift baskets, multiple vacation packages, jewelry, and much more. All proceeds benefit the PRC’s medical and case management services for central Illinois abused and neglected children.
Sponsorship and underwriting opportunities are still available!
For more information, contact the Pediatric Resource Center at:
- 309-624-9595
- Email: prcinfo@uic.edu
- Visit: www.pediatricresourcecenter.org
- Visit: www.facebook.com/PediatricResourceCenter
About the Pediatric Resource Center
The Pediatric Resource Center (PRC) is a service provider of the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria and is affiliated with Children’s Hospital of Illinois. Over the past 30 years, the Pediatric Resource Center has provided specialized medical and social services to over 10,000 children from 69 counties when concerns of child physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect were present. The need for PRC’s specialized, child-friendly medical services continues to grow at record levels.
Date posted
Jul 18, 2023
Date updated
Apr 24, 2024