Year 4 Dermatology Elective

Year 4 Dermatology Elective Heading link
This elective is designed to provide a basic knowledge of the common skin lesions seen in practice. Students will learn how to perform a thorough skin examination, identify physical exam findings that determine improvement or deterioration in a dermatosis and wound healing. They will also gain knowledge in the approach to and management of common dermatologic conditions seen in ambulatory settings. They will also recognize and learn the skills need to counsel and instruct patients and their families on the cause, management and prevention of the common skin conditions.
The students will be expected to complete the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) online core curriculum. This is a comprehensive resource composed of18 modules covering a broad range of dermatologic disease with additional features. Each module and its brief exam component would take approximately one hour to complete. These modules also include videos of various procedures including biopsy techniques, pathology form completion etc.
The students will spend time with faculty dermatologists and the Family Practice Dermatology Clinic in Peoria or Bloomington, as arranged for each rotation. Opportunities will also be available for the students to work with faculty dermatopathologists and discuss clinical pathologic correlations on skin biopsies.
Each student will be required to prepare a case presentation on a dermatologic disorder with a brief review of the related literature. The presentation would be both written and oral.
Objectives Heading link
At the end of this rotation, the student will be able to:
- Perform a thorough skin examination (including hair, nails and mucous membranes)
- Describe the skin lesions using precise dermatologic language
- Formulate a differential diagnosis based on themorphology of the skin lesions
- Recognize and diagnose life threatening dermatoses and identify the available therapeutic options for these life threatening dermatosis
- Discuss the indications and contraindications to perform the various biopsy techniques
Evaluation Heading link
Year 4 standardized evaluation form completed by attending faculty based on the participation in clinic, completion of the AAD online core curriculum and case presentation.