Ryan Finkenbine, MD
Chair and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
Pronouns: he/him/his
900 Main Street, Suite 720, Peoria, IL
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Dr. Ryan Finkenbine was raised in Small Town, Indiana, where he learned the value of a good education. He attended Wittenberg University and graduated magna cum laude with a dual degree in philosophy and chemistry. He studied abroad at Lancaster University, England, where he learned a great deal about rugby, craft beer, and life, and eventually developed an interest in medicine. He earned an MD from Indiana University School of Medicine before traveling to Charleston to complete a psychiatry residency at the Medical University of South Carolina. He was twice honored as the resident of the year and was named Chief Resident in his final year of training. He completed a forensic psychiatry fellowship at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine before joining the faculty at West Virginia University, where he founded a forensic fellowship. The fellowship was nationally recognized by the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Award, and Dr. Finkenbine was named “Best Teacher” five times.
In 2009, Dr. Finkenbine returned to the Midwest and joined the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria (UICOMP) as the Chair of the Psychiatry Department. He and his colleagues began an ACGME-accredited residency program in 2011 with the principle that psychiatry can be taught in a welcoming and comfortable learning environment while maintaining high expectations for responsibility and personal growth of trainees. Since then, the department and program have continued to thrive.
In addition to administrative responsibilities as Chair, Dr. Finkenbine is actively involved in clinical patient care, medical student and resident education, and scholarship. He co-leads the department’s Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Center and maintains an active forensic practice, serving over a dozen counties in Illinois. Dr. Finkenbine is very proud to be a part of the UICOMP team.
Selected Grants
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Using holistic criteria for residency success (2023-2026), Co-I
Jump ARCHES, Voice Vitals: a new approach for depression and anxiety screening (2020-2024), Co-I
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Developing practice-based research networks in psychiatry education to advance the validity of assessment systems for entrustable professional activities (2020-2023), Co-I
Selected Publications
Marvin R, Park YS, Dekhtyar M, Hartzen M, Bessey L, Finkenbine R, Lloyd B, Bajmakovic-Kacila S, Walaszek A, Tekian A. Implementation of the AAMC’s holistic review model for psychiatry resident recruitment. MedEdPORTAL. 2023;19:11299
Finkenbine RD, Bruce TJ. Forensic psychiatry. In The World Book Student (on-line encyclopedia). Chicago: World Book 2011
Hill CA, Finkenbine R. Automatism as a defense to crime. Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science Jamieson A., Moenssens A. (eds). John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK 253-256, 2009
Finkenbine, RD, Dwyer, RG. Adolescents who carry weapons to school: a review of cases. J School Violence 5(4):51-63, 2006
- Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship: University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC)
- Psychiatry Residency: Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, SC)
- Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine (Indianapolis, IN)
- Undergraduate: Wittenberg University (Springfield, OH), Lancaster University (Lancaster, UK)
Licensures and Certifications
- ABPN BC: General Psychiatry
- ABPN BC: Forensic Psychiatry
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training
- American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- Illinois Psychiatric Society
- American Psychiatric Association
- Illinois State Medical Association
Selected Presentations
- Finkenbine R, Peterson M, Whitely L, Ferguson I. Letters of recommendation: fostering fairness, decreasing bias, and adapting to changing technology. American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training Annual Meeting (Feb 2024)
- Finkenbine, R. Informed consent and assessment of decision-making capacity. Wake Forest School of Medicine (Nov 2023)
- Marvin R, Bessey L, Finkenbine R, Hartzen M, Lloyd B, Walaszek A, Tekian A, Bajmakovic-Kacila S, Park Y. Operationalizing holistic selection of psychiatry residents in the absence of USMLE Step 1 scores: the nuts and bolts. American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training Annual Meeting (Mar 2021)
- Finkenbine R. Legal issue in prescribing opioids. 47th Annual Emery C. Miller Medical Symposium (Aug 2018)
- Finkenbine R. Reducing the risk of medical malpractice in the use of opioids. Northwest Area Health Education Center, Wake Forest School of Medicine (Dec 2016)
- Pershern L, Oakman S, Smith F, Finkenbine R. Educating, exploring and inspiring: efforts in preparing residents for a lifetime of mental health advocacy. American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training Annual Meeting (Mar 2016)
- Laothavorn J, Wrzosek M, Finkenbine R. The professionalism e-frontier: how are we teaching psychiatry residents to navigate pitfalls and privileges of online presence? (poster) Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting. San Antonio, 18 September 2015
Research Currently in Progress
- Medical students’ perception of stigma surrounding mental illness
- Behavioral health emergency room crowding and throughput: psychiatry quality improvement
- Psychiatry Educational Assessment and Learning (PEARL)
- Voice Vitals: a new approach for depression and anxiety screening