‘Walk for the Mind’ donates $80,000 for brain tumor and cancer research

Mark Linder Walk for the Mind recently donated $80,000 for brain tumor and brain cancer research at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria. Funds were raised from the group’s key event, its 18th annual held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizers found ways to creatively broadcast the program on YouTube and encouraged participants to share photos and stories on social media.
In an effort to reach out to brain tumor and cancer survivors and help raise funds for research, Mark Linder founded the Walk for the Mind in 2003. That first walk attracted over 150 walkers and raised about $12,000 for research programs. While Mark died in 2005 at age 31 from brain cancer, the Walk continues – coordinated entirely by volunteers, many of whom themselves are brain cancer survivors.
All funds raised support research at the College of Medicine in Peoria toward understanding the mechanisms that make brain cancers and tumors grow and invade healthy tissue. The $80,000 raised this year was presented during a March reception at the College of Medicine. To date, the organization has raised nearly $750,000 for brain cancer research at UICOMP since the Walk began in 2003.
Learn more about the Walk by visiting www.marklinderwalkforthemind.org.