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Resources for PUNS and Guardianship in Illinois

PUNS List Heading link

When a child is identified as needing special services, living arrangements, or programs in the State of Illinois, the PUNS list is an integral part of this process. PUNS is a statewide database that records information about individuals with developmental disabilities who are planning for or seeking services. Enrolling your child for the PUNS list will assist with identifying service needs and wants for those with developmental disabilities. During the enrollment process, the individual with the developmental disability (along with guardian/caregiver/family) meets face-to-face with an Independent Service Coordination (ISC) Agent. The ISC Agent will work with the individual and their family to identify and plan for service needs and register on the PUNS. Individuals are selected from the PUNS based on their age, their status (planning or seeking), and their time on PUNS.


When a minor child turns 18, the State of Illinois recognizes the individual as an adult in the medical world. Guardianship MUST be in place when the child turns 18 years of age or the responsibility for medical appointments, billing and services are transferred to the adult child. It is essential to work with your primary care provider and your county circuit clerk’s office to request forms and a court date to establish guardianship of the adult child on or around their 18th birthday. An office visit exam with your primary care provider is required within 90 days of the court hearing. A physician’s statement form will be submitted to the court to determine the type of guardianship requested. Guardianship may be granted for full or limited guardianship, depending on the physical and financial needs of the adult child.